Meet Our Company


Transuniversal Pinturas e Anticorrosão Ltda, is a limited liability company and commenced its activities in November 1990.

Since its founding, has been exercising activities in the field of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Engineering.

You are Registered and Enabled by the Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture – CREA/RJ, since 21/09/1992.

The main activities developed over the last years are the Ultra High Pressure Fresh Water - UHPFW - 40,000 Psi, Wet and Dry Abrasive Blasting, Mechanical Treatment, Painting with Airless, Degassing and Tank Cleaning, Cleaning Boilers, Clean Pipes with Internal Holloblast Coating and Spinblast and extenders with Radial Nozzles and Application of fireproof coatings (Pirocret, and Mandolite Flamemastic) Take Boiler, Boiler Heavy, Manufacturing and Repair network Carbon Steel astma - S3, Carbon Steel Galvanized, Drawn Steel, Copper-Nickel , Stainless Steel and Copper Seamless.

In order to always meet satisfactorily its customers, we aim tripod, efficiency, quality and safety, aiming always to environmental preservation, being holder of Operating License issued by the State Environmental Institute – INEA.

By virtue of being a trusted third party, the Transuniversal Pinturas e Anticorrosão Ltda has been outstanding in their fields of activities, making it one of the leading companies in the business.

Why stop machinery itself, a team of over 200 employees and its own engineering, the Transuniversal ensures the provision of quality services efficiently.


Perform quality services safely and quickly, providing satisfaction of our customers.


Being a company known for its excellence in performance, having as great focus on customer satisfaction and staff.


  • Ethics
  • Transparency
  • Competence
  • Respect
  • Responsability
  • Sustainability